
The King


Article 7 :
The King of Cambodia shall reign but shall not govern.
The King shall be the Head of State for life. The King shall be inviolable.
Article 8 :
The King of Cambodia shall be a symbol of unity and eternity of the nation.
The King shall be guarantor of the national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia the protector of rights and freedom for all citizens and the guarantor of international treaties.
Article 9:
The King shall assume the august role of arbitrator to ensure the faithful execution of public powers.
Article 10:
The Cambodian monarchy shall be an appointed regime.
Article 11 (As amended March 1999):
In the case that the King cannot perform his normal duties as Head of State owing to his serious illness as certified by doctors chosen by the President of the Senate, the President of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister, the President of the National Assembly Senate shall perform the duties of Head of state as "Regent"
In the case of the President of the Senate cannot perform his duties as the acting Head of State replacing the King as "Regent" when he is ill seriously as provided in the above paragraph the President of the Assembly shall take them over.
In the case as stated in the above paragraph, other dignitaries as following hierarchy can perform Acting Head of State as Regent:
A. First Vice-President of the Senate
B. First Vice-President of the Assembly
C. Second Vice-President of the Senate
D. Second Vice-President of the Assembly
Article 12 (As amended March 1999):
In case of the death of the King, the President of the National Assembly Senate shall take over the responsibility as Acting Head of State in the capacity of Regent of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
In the case that the President of the Senate cannot perform his duties of the acting Head of State as "Regent" in the place of the King on the death of the king the responsibilities of Head of State in the capacity of regent shall be exercised in conformity with the second and third paragraph of new Article 11.
Article 13 (As amended March 1999):
Within a period of not more than seven days, the Royal council of Throne shall choose the new King of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
The Royal Council of the Throne shall consist of:
� The President of the Senate
� The President of the National Assembly
� The Prime Minister
� The Chiefs of the Order Mohanikay and Thammayut
� The First and Second Vice-President of the Senate
� The First and Second Vice-President of the National Assembly
The organization and functioning of the Council of the Throne shall be determined by law.
Article 14:
The King of Cambodia shall be a member of the Royal family, of at least 30 years old, descending from the blood line of King Ang Duong, King Norodom or King Sisowath.
Upon enthronement, the King shall take the oath of allegiance as stipulated in Annex IV.
Article 15:
The wife of the reigning King shall have the royal title of Queen of Cambodia.
Article 16:
The Queen of the Kingdom of Cambodia shall not have the right to engage in politics, to assume the role of Head of State or Head of Government, or to assume other administrative or political roles.
The Queen of the Kingdom of Cambodia shall exercise activities that serve the social, humanitarian, religious interests, and shall assist the King with protocol and diplomatic functions.
Article 17:
The provision as stated in the first clause of Article 7, "the King of Cambodia shall reign but shall not govern", absolutely shall not be amended.
Article 18 (As amended March 1999):
The King shall communicate with the Assembly by royal messages.
These royal messages shall not be subject to discussion by the Senate and the National Assembly.
Article 19:
The King shall appoint the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers according to the procedures stipulated in Article 100.
Article 20:
The King shall grant an audience twice a month to the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers to hear their reports on the State of the Nation.
Article 21:
Upon Proposals by the Council of Ministers, the King shall sign decrees (Kret) appointing, transferring or ending the mission of high civil and military officials, ambassadors and Envoys Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
Upon proposals by the Supreme Council of Magistracy, the King shall sign decrees (Kret) appointing, transferring or removing judges.
Article 22 (As amended March 1999):
When the nation faces danger, the king shall make a proclamation to the people putting the country in a state of emergency after agreement with the Prime Minister, the President of National Assembly and the President of the Senate.
Article 23:
The King is the Supreme Commander of the Royal Khmer Armed Forces. The Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Khmer Armed Forces shall be appointed to command the Armed Forces.
Article 24 (As amended March 1999):
The King shall serve as Chairman of the Supreme Council of National defense to be established by law.
The King shall declare war after approval of the National Assembly and the Senate.
Article 25:
The King shall receive letters of credentials from ambassador or envoys extraordinary and plenipotentiary of foreign countries accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Article 26 (As amended March 1999):
The King shall sign and ratify international treaties and conventions after a vote of approval by the National Assembly and the Senate.
Article 27:
The King shall have the right to grant partial or complete amnesty.
Article 28 (As amended March 1999):
The King shall sign the law promulgating the Constitution; laws adopted by the National Assembly and laws completely reviewed by the Senate and shall sign the Royal decree presented by the Council of Ministers.
In the case that the King is serious illness and is hospitalized abroad, the King has the right to delegate the power of signing of the above laws and royal decrees to the Acing head of State through delegating writs.
Article 29:
The King shall establish and confer national medals proposed by the Council of Ministers. The King shall confer civil and military ranks as determined by law.
Article 30 (As amended March 1999):
In the absence of the King, the President of the National Assembly Senate shall assume the duties of acting Head of State.

In the case that the President of the Senate cannot perform his duties as the acting Head of State replacing the King due to his absence, the responsibilities as the Acting Head of State shall be exercised in conformity with second and third paragraph of new Article 11.
Article 132 (Previously Article 113):
The King shall be the guarantor of the independence of the Judiciary. The Supreme Council of the Magistracy shall assist the King in this matter.
Article 134 (Previously Article 115):
The Supreme Council of the Magistracy shall be chaired by the King. The King may appoint a representative to chair the Supreme Council of the Magistracy.
The Supreme Council of the Magistracy shall be chaired by the King. The King may appoint a representative to chair the Supreme Council of the Magistracy.
The Supreme Council of the Magistracy shall make proposals to the King on the appointment of judges and prosecutors to all courts.
The Supreme Council of Magistracy shall meet under the chairmanship of the President of the Supreme Court or the General Prosecutor of the Supreme Court to decide on disciplinary actions against judges or prosecutors.

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