
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hindu Trimurti

81. k> 718 Hindu Trimūrti
Beginning of the  XIth Century
Angkor Conservation, Siem Reap
H: 81.3 cm
No former number

This Śiva divinity has three busts representing the trinity of the three most important Hindu deities.

The main figure is Śiva, who has five heads arranged in two rows.  The first row has four heads while the second one has only one. The upper head wears a diadem. Its chignon is identical of  Brahma ¬k>1669) and is adorned with a small crescent moon. Each of the faces has the third eye in the center of the forehead.
The two upper hands are clasped to the chest. The eight other arms are small and freestanding. The sampot has a large folded edge.

Under its arms, to the right, one of the hands of Brahma appears to be holding a vase. To the left, Visnu apprears to be holding a sphere but the object is inditinguishable.

Śiva is carrying Brahma on his right hip and Visnu on his left. The two figures melt into Śiva's sampot. Brahma has one head and four arms. His lower right hand appears to be holding a spoon, while another hand, which rests on Śiva's back seems to be clasping a book.

Visnu's right hand (whereabouts of head unknown) rests on Śiva's back and appears to be holding a sphere. Brahma and Visnu are also wearing sampots.

This masterpiece illustrates the axis of symmetry, the vertical line that passes through Śiva's third eye and navel, which is a principle of Khmer art.

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